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We focus on providing you with cutting edge technology solutions. Our emphasis is on using Open Source technologies in order to deliver the most cost effective, secure & up-to-date solutions & enabling you with the tools to take your business to the next level.


Open Source Products created


Projects delivered


Years in service

Meet the Leadership

Parth Lawate

Co-Founder & CEO linkedin-rect-logo

Ashwin Date

Co-Founder & CTOlinkedin-rect-logo

Himangi Chhatre

Co-Founder & CFOlinkedin-rect-logo

Manali Kumthekar

Co-Founder & CPOlinkedin-rect-logo

Maheshkumar Kulkarni


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Core Purpose

Be a catalyst for societal transformation by empowering organisations and individuals with technology

Core Values

Enjoy the Magic of Creation

We love to create. Creation gives us a kick. It’s what drives us.

Giving it your best
  • It's very important for us that we add value in everything we do.
  • We continuously work to make things better so that we are proud of how and what we build
  • We keep widening our horizons to discover new ways to make it matter
Build for most not for few
  • Think Generic not just specific
  • Build to reuse & Reuse to build
  • Product first approach
Giving BAck

Giving back & being socially responsible is a very important part of Tekdi. For us doing good for society is a purpose, an attitude and a way of life and conducting business.

Moments That Matter

Life @ Tekdi